I hope all of you are having a restful summer. We are so grateful for this beautiful time of year, especially with Covid restrictions lifted. It is great to be gathering again at The 180 Center indoors on Sundays, and also have the mission open again with very few restrictions Monday through Saturday.
We started the month of June with a graduation ceremony! So grateful God still brought forth fruit during a pandemic year! Please continue to pray for men to join the discipleship program. We’ve seen a dramatic reduction in the homeless population since the pandemic started. Many received safe housing and finances, but we know there are still many struggling and in need of a residential program. Pray for the Lord to send the desperate our way.
As we shared in our last update, we received our permits for the new building and we were moving to start the renovation. Since then we have most of phase 1 section of the building framed, wired for electricity, and our underground plumbing was done. In addition, all three passed city inspection. Also, we had our two huge storefront doors and windows installed. The building is looking great! As we speak, I just hired a contractor to blow in the insulation on the ceiling for Phase 1 (about 3500 sq. ft). This will leave another 3500 sq. ft. for Phase 2. Needless to say, we are excited!
I would like to share my gratitude by saying a big thanks to a great group of people who have been helping us out. I would rather not list their names for two reasons. One is that some people do not want to be named. Secondly, I may forget some and that wouldn’t be good at all! 😊 More important, God has seen the work of every individual that has helped us get to this point. We are grateful for the many who have shared their wisdom, finances, and practical knowledge with us. We are amazed at those who have done the work for free or at minimum cost. A church in NY actually sent a crew of men for two days to help us with whatever needed to be done! In addition, we give thanks to all who pray for these things to happen! It blows our minds to think about how God is providing for and blessing this vision. We are confident God will provide for us to bring Phase 1 to completion!
Our ultimate goal is to reconnect individuals to God, their families, and a supportive community.
The 180 Center could not survive without your donations. We are completely funded by the generosity of our church and partners. We thank all who have or are going to donate. God bless you!
If you’d like to donate, there is 2 ways:
Mail checks and money orders to:
The 180 Center, PO Box 6806, Hamden, CT 06517
To donate online, click the button below. You will be taken to a secure donation page (PayPal). We personally do not collect or store any payment information.