December 2024 Newsletter & Updates

🥗 O Come All Ye Faithful 🕯

Wait! What does it mean to be faithful? Well, Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines the word “faithful” as firm in adherence to truth and duty. Recently, we made a request on The 180 Facebook page for people to commit to choosing a night during the week to pray for The 180 Warming Center which reopened in November. A woman who lives in the Midwest quickly committed to Mondays. Why? She said last year she committed to pray on that day of the week for the Center, and she has continued to pray for us every Monday since then! We were so blessed to hear of her firm adherence to duty and appreciate all who pray for The 180 Warming Center.

Simply said, this woman has been faithful.

At the beginning of October, we invited individuals and churches to help us with our biannual Community Care Day outreach. Once again, we had more than enough volunteers on the day of the outreach to help us offer clothes, food, hygiene kits, and haircuts to over 300 people in need. However, two women volunteered ahead of time to prepare all the clothing donations. One woman serves as a teacher at The 180 Center and she recruited a friend to help her. Between the two women and a few other volunteers, it took weeks to sort, hang, and fold tons of donated pants, shirts, sweaters, shoes, and coats. Early in the morning of Community Care Day, both women showed up to serve and worked through the afternoon, along with many other volunteers. Over 80% of the clothing was taken that day, racks were refilled for another outreach, and we still had a lot leftover to give to another church community outreach in Wethersfield. Needless to say, without the time the two women and other volunteers gave to prepare for Community Care Day, this wonderful opportunity to bless our community would have never been possible.

Simply said, these volunteers have been faithful.

Everyday we witness God’s goodness as we see the men who have graduated from The 180 Discipleship Program serving at The 180 Center in so many ways. We have a graduate who oversees the ministry house and three that serve in leadership positions on staff. Over just the last few months God provided as graduates sheet-rocked and compounded the back of our building, installed two commercial exit doors, completed carpentry work, and helped with small electrical jobs. Every week we have nine graduates teaching one hour classes at The 180 Center, and leading a Recovery Support Meeting on Friday evenings. During Community Care Day, we had graduates cutting hair, serving food, and praying for those who requested prayer. Graduates designed our website and helped us with this newsletter. Bottom line, so much work has been accomplished this year through these men for God’s glory!

Simply said, our graduates have been faithful.


This fall The 180 Center was blessed with the finances to complete the electrical and plumbing fixtures throughout our building, plus the rear door handicap ramp was completed. These were two expensive projects and we hired professionals to complete them. However, it was through your donations that the work was completed. Our finances come from all over the United States: Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan, and Florida. They vary in size too; we’ve had one dollar donations and one time, a fifty thousand dollar donation! However, one thing is certain; God uses every single dollar given to advance His work at The 180 Center. We appreciate the churches that partner with us and all the individuals that sow seed.

Simply said, YOU have been faithful. ❤️

How is God calling you to be faithful in 2025? There’s nothing wrong with success, whether in life or in serving the Lord. However, our chief calling as God’s people is to be faithful to Him, to serve Him with excellence, and to obey Him wholeheartedly. If God chooses to bless our efforts with success this coming year, that’s great; but many times we can’t guarantee success here on earth. Matthew 25:23 emphasizes the importance of faithful stewardship and the corresponding reward in the kingdom of heaven. It encourages us as believers to live with a perspective on eternity, understanding that our actions on earth have lasting significance beyond this life. May God bless you this year as you choose to be faithful—adhering to the truth and duty God has given you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Needs For Phase 2:

  • Installation of drainage box in parking lot
  • Flooring for rear of building
  • Kitchen cabinet and counter

Four Ways You Help The 180 Center:

SHARE about The 180 Center on social media! We are on Facebook and Twitter. Share our ❤ for those in need! Share about our 18 month program for men!

PRAY that God provides the labor and finances to complete the new building in His timing. Your prayers are powerful!

SERVE as a skilled laborer with the renovations. Contact us through email.

GIVE A donation towards our new building. Give online or by mail. Online giving is through this website (click ‘donate’ in the upper right hand corner).

More Building Updates & Newsletters

Donate To The 180 Center

The 180 Center could not survive without your donations. We are completely funded by the generosity of our church and partners. We thank all who have or are going to donate. God bless you!

If you’d like to donate, there is 2 ways:


Donate via mail

Mail checks and money orders to: 
The 180 Center, PO Box 6806, Hamden, CT  06517


Donate online via PayPal

To donate online, click the button below. You will be taken to a secure donation page (PayPal). We personally do not collect or store any payment information.